Task 2

Task 2:  Findability of knowledge graphs


This task intends to build a semantic index of knowledge graphs. In this task, we suppose indexed KG are accessible thanks to Task1 and transparent thanks to Task 3. The objective is to discover KGs and index them in accessible and transparent KG. The originality is to interact with the index as a KG and also to build and maintain the index just by querying  KGs.

Research report “ Semantic index ontology ”D.2.1WimmicsT0+14
Research report  “Building and maintaining the index”D.2.2Wimmics, GDDT0+28
Research report “Index refinement”D.3.3Wimmics, BDT0+35

Partner’s contribution: Leader: Wimmics. Participants: GDD, BD

Methods and technical decisions

We will start by ingesting representative KGs such Wikidata, DBpedia, UniProt in our DekaloG server. Next, we will index automatically these KGs following the index ontology. Next, we will benchmark such platform by measuring the time to index KGs while serving queries on the index.

Risks and fallbacks

  • Wimmics develops with Qwant Crawlers and indexes for linked open data in the context of the project Answer “grands défis numériques”. The experience acquired by Wimmics reduces drastically the risk.
  • Building and maintaining the index requires accessibility provided by Task 1.   GDD team has a robust implementation of Web preemption thanks to the Sage software available at http://sage.univ-nantes.fr.  Task 2 can rely on this implementation for bootstrapping the building of the index.

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